Lloyd Gauthier and Ray Stewart
Eight Teams teed off this morning at the beautiful Bear Mountain Course in Victoria BC under sunny fall skies. Canadian golf legend Ray Stewart presided over the first tee, showing how a pro can hit those long tee shots. Each player had the option of playing their own first shot or using Ray's drive. Needless to say, many players were glad to take advantage of this option - especially the ladies.
Team # 8 Ken Beresford, Heather Risk, Ray Stewart, Hal McInerney, Don Risk
Team #7 Don DeCotiis, Merilyn Hicks, Ray Stewart, Jacqui WIlkinson, Henry Zipster
Team # 6 George Day, Wendy Lynwood, Ray Stewart, Nancy Moyes, Al Moyes
Team # 5 Peter Tomlinson, Rod Zimmerman, Ray Stewart, Jack Southern, Ron Webb
Team #4 Ken Sandwith, Don Ross, Ray Stewart, Ryan Solda, Ryan Fisher
Team #3 Thomas Axmann, Wes Hadikin, Ray Stewart, Dave Irvine, Ron Wickett
Team #2 Allan Berg, Terry Willey, Ray Stewart, Steve Stern, T.J. Martinuk
Team #1 Bill Willey, Dennis Halabecki, Ray Stewart, Tom Felter, Mike Toller