Sunday, May 20, 2018


*Coach’s first selfie!

What happens when Coach Lloyd phones and starts the conversation with “Hi, it’s Coach, I was thinking…...”??? Next thing you know, a few months pass and all sorts of Canadians and Americans show up somewhere to enjoy a few rounds of golf while they make new and connect with old friends.

This year, the wonderful hospitality of our Floridian hosts and perfect golf weather greeted Coach and Friends in Tampa! Golf enthusiasts from Canada as far west as Victoria (can’t get any further west than that!) to PEI on the east coast (can’t get farther east than that!) and the USA from Tampa to California.

Day 1 - Bardmoor Golf Course for a friendly warm up game….even our feathered Floridian friends on the golf course welcomed the noisy feathered Canadians! 


 A few practice swings and re-connecting with friends were the order of the day.


Day 2 – Practice round at Seminole Lakes was followed by dinner at the new Cici’s which was delicious and allowed more time for reconnecting and much laughter.

Day 3 - Mario Garza kindly organized a game for the group at Bay Palms Golf Course on MacDill Airforce Base. The group was honoured to be joined by several prominent members of the Canadian Military.
Gracious hosts Mike and Mona Berryman welcomed all to their home for cocktail “hour” (or two or three). A good time was had by all! 



Connie is always happy to share techniques for a great golf swing, although today it looked like she digressed to mud wrestling techniques.

Day 4 - Tournament Day at Seminole Lake Country Club. Bob and his fantastic bagpipe band kicked off the tournament.

On your mark, get set, FORE!

Thanks everyone for kindly posing for a team photo…..

And of course, the 19th Hole is where it all happens after the tournament!
These gals kept finances organized which ensured we were well looked after by these gals

A tournament requires a pre-dinner drink and rehashing the agony and glory of the game!

Wrap up dinner and awards followed with Hal lending his skills as MC, he always laughs hardest at his own jokes!

The attentive audience was entertained with a flute composition and fascinating didgeridoo.

Team Awards to celebrate everything from best score to brightest shirts! 




Coach always expresses gratitude to all who join him on this annual celebration of sport and friendship, gives thanks to those who helped organize it and takes a moment to remember those who have passed to the heavens above.

A new rule, every tournament dinner must end with a great golf joke!


Thanks to Coach for bringing us all together in friendship and making these tournaments happen. A special thanks to all our friends and hosts from Tampa who went out of their way to welcome everyone to their city and to their homes.