Monday, March 14, 2011

Having Lloyd over for dinner in Victoria

I met Lloyd last fall on the ferry from Seattle to Victoria, so this time when he was visiting Victoria I invited him over for dinner February 24th to catch up and meet my husband. Victoria had a snowfall so it was touch and go as to whether the roads were drivable, but it all worked out.

We had a lovely evening having dinner and chatting by the wood fire afterwards and Lloyd is so appreciative, it is a pleasure to have him as a guest. One of the nice things he said was that we had created something special in our home, maybe because of all the work we did as foster parents for nine years.

Lloyd clearly enjoys fires so when it was time to leave and we suggested he stay the night, he was happy to sleep on our pull out couch so he could enjoy the fire for the rest of the night. Our cat also enjoyed having Lloyd's company and it was nice to wake up in the morning with the fire still going!

We had a leisurely breakfast and Lloyd showed me an Irish book he was reading that I also really like called Anam Cara (means Soul Mate in the Irish language) by John O Donohue. After Lloyd left, I felt blessed and warmed by his presence for several days afterwards.

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