Thursday, November 4, 2010

A first post from a non golfer!

Hi there,

This is my first time writing a blog, but since Lloyd started his blog (with Wes' help) without having a computer, I guess I am in good company! I met Lloyd on the Clipper ferry going from Seattle to Victoria a few weeks ago, and we got talking because he was so friendly and outgoing.

He told me he was preparing a speech for his big dinner in a few week's time, so we talked about that and about life in general. My father who spent a lifetime as a publican in Ireland used to say "What's for you, won't pass you", and Lloyd liked that and wrote it down. At the end of our conversation, Lloyd invited me to his dinner event, so I took it as a sign from the universe to go, despite not knowing anyone there and not being a golfer!

It turned out to be a great evening, I met some lovely people, it was a beautiful place and the food was good. I was touched by Lloyd's generous and inclusive spirit as he acknowledged and appreciated everyone there, and his friendly, funny, humble ways were a gentle reminder of the wisdom of First Nations people, as well as of course Lloyd's unique personality. Thanks Lloyd for inviting me and I look forward to our continuing friendship.

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