Monday, November 15, 2010

Where Is Lloyd Now?

Got a call from the Coach last night (November 14/10) and he was excited about a book he is reading and one of the themes was:  "We are joined together with peace through the Spirit, so make every effort to continue together in this way."  Lloyd made the comment that through golf and the Spirt many of us got to know each other and share a common bond of friendship.

The last time I talked to the Coach he was someplace south of Lethbridge, now he is some 1000 miles north in a place called Fort St. John, BC.  Fort St. John is about 400 miles north of Prince George and a 100 miles from the Alberta border.

Lloyd says they are doing work close to mile 101 on the Alaska Hwy. so if you see someone with a Red Titleist Hat, swinging a golf club on the side of the Alaska Hwy., it's probably Lloyd.

Posted by Wes

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